Song Recording

“I want to record a song!” – a simple desire. And if this is a song as a gift, then it is also quite a noble impulse. How to make your desire come true in the best possible way, and the noble impulse was fully appreciated?

To begin with, realize that making a high-quality recording of a song at home is unrealistic. Therefore, following the desire to record a song, the search usually begins … First – the very song that you want to record, and then – the studio where, in fact, the selected composition will be recorded.

Before you understand how to record a song in a studio, it is worth learning about the criteria for choosing the recording studio itself. You can talk about this for a long time. But it is best to be guided by reviews when searching. For this, not so much the Internet is suitable as personal acquaintance with people who already have experience of working with such studios and whose opinion you can safely trust. The search does not end there.

Having identified several recording studios, you need to study the portfolio of each, it is advisable to hold a personal meeting with the sound engineer and only then make a decision. By the way, it is quite possible that the client will be offered a composition for performance in the studio.

In order for the recording of the song as a gift to come out as best as possible, the sound engineer will help you choose a song that is ideal in terms of timbre, character and will correspond to the vocal data. However, at the end of the recording of the performer, the sound engineer will choose the most successful takes and, if necessary, correct the vocal flaws.

So, how does the recording of the song actually take place in the studio? Thanks to modern technologies, today on the Internet, you can easily find a “backing track” of a song you like (that is, a recording of a track in which there is no vocal part).

Then the client has one hour to perform the song to the chosen “minus”, showing his vocal abilities. After that, the active work of the sound engineer begins. For an hour he does the processing, choosing the best takes from the recording, editing and mixing. Then mastering – and the song is ready. The whole process takes about 2 hours.

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